![]() Menu for the King Family Reunion (#10019) Appetizers:
Traveling With Food1501 words
How To Go From Here To There
Menu: | Utensils: | To Do: | Shopping List: |
Garlic Infused Oil |
blue side bowl pint jar French knife paring knife |
chop garlic simmer oil strain oil |
garlic ||||| ||||| || olive oil || |
Olive Tapenade | center bowl 2 sm. spreaders |
check for pits chop garlic process |
kalmata olives |
The “to do” list had many things that could be done ahead. I decided to make the cakes and freeze them. I ordered the lamb to be butterflied and frozen. I would pick it up at the last minute and put it into a cooler of frozen foods. With snow all around, the garage would be my mini deli and coolers would keep the critters (small and large!) out of the food.
The lettuce for the green salad I love to make was tricky. It had to survive one day of travel and six days of storage before the dinner. The Jan Roberts-Dominguez Salad Box was the answer. The Coop sold me three pounds of mesclun mix right in a plastic tub, just as it comes from their supplier. I brought it home the night before I was to leave, washed it, and spun it in a clean pillowcase off my front porch. I rinsed and dried the tub, lined it with paper towel, and carefully repacked the greens as loosely as I could. I blessed it with a blown kiss and crossed fingers and put it into the car. This, alone, could be a very expensive and inconvenient failure if it did not work.
All other perishables went into another cooler, canned and jarred goods, utensils and bowls went into bags. Along with presents for Christmas and the three birthdays we were going to celebrate over the holiday, I took my own suitcase, sketching supplies, winter wear, skis, and a quilt I am working on for a new grandbaby. The big pottery salad bowl was in the passenger seat, securely belted in. Early the next morning I squeezed myself into my small station wagon and headed south.
A little over the half way mark to Mineral, my son called with a “few” items he wanted picked up at a natural foods grocery in Ashland. I laughed out loud, but found a parking place in the shade and a nook for everything he needed.
As I traveled south, down Siskiyu Pass, the thermometer in my car began to rise. By the time I stopped in Red Bluff for one more errand, the outside temperature was 70 degrees. I did not have the heart to check the lettuce. I moved as quickly as I could and relaxed as I gained altitude heading east.
The days before the dinner were filled with grandbabies, holiday cheer, and birthdays. Any spare moment I could find, I would check The List for something “to do”. One day, three year old Noah helped me make cut-out cookies. The death-by-chocolate desert planned for the adults would not entice the children as much as decorating their own cookies with frosting and sprinkles. Another evening, my son and I shelled a bag of raw pistachios. The next afternoon, I candied them to use in the salad.
I roasted coconut and chopped cilantro for the chutney. I put rice in the soup pot with sesame oil, butter, and salt. It would be fine for a day or so and would be cooked at the school at the last minute.
As I cooked in my daughter-in-law’s tiny corner of a kitchen, I put finished food into its serving dish, wrapped it in plastic, and put it into a cooler. My second rule is to check off a menu item only when it is completely ready to serve. This helps to follow my first rule. Just pull off the plastic and it is ready to go.
The day before the dinner I worked hard. I roasted eggplants, sectioned grapefruit, forced raspberries through a sieve, sliced cheeses, made artichoke dip, marinated the lamb, toasted sesame seeds, colored frosting, and crumbled roquefort cheese. All the little containers went into the cooler.
By noon of the final day, I went for a long walk in the snow and enjoyed a glass of wine by the wood stove. My son loaded the truck, in-laws put out the tablecloths, a friend fired up his grill with the snow falling all around. I cooked the rice and mulled the cranberry juice in the small kitchen off the gym. The lettuce was beautiful! Thank you Jan! I made the vinaigrette in the bottom of my big, purple bowl and several stood around and tore the greens. I added the roasted red pepper, grapefruit sections, pistachios, and roquefort from their containers. We tossed it just before dinner. It was a magnificent centerpiece. The one thing that was not on The List was whipping cream and the local GasMart was out! The owner called her husband in Chester and asked him to buy some for us. It arrived in time for dessert. We whipped it up with a spot of rum while the children gathered around a table to decorate their cookies.
Cleanup was a cinch. Everyone pitched in.
“What was the bottom line’” you ask. The receipts totaled $267.00. We fed 40 people a home-cooked, sit-down dinner. That comes out a little less than $7.00 per person for just the dinner. There were enough leftovers for everyone to drop in the next day after sledding for a help-yourself lunch. Again, the plastic wrap just came off and everything was ready.
They devoured the leftover wilted salad that had sat in the garage for a week before being dressed. They joked about how much they smelled of garlic. They begged for another slice of that decadent chocolate cake. And they all wanted recipes.
Was this dinner a lot of work. Yes, it was. But, it was manageable by using The List and picking a menu that did not require last minute preparation. Will I cater a dinner for you? Well..., only for a price, a very big price.