A sketching participant’s impression
of Dianne along la Côte de Granite Rose
on the coast of Brittany. (#S-001) |
The Estuary at la Roche-Jaune has the
second highest tidal surge
after the Bay of Funde. (#0913) |
Walking to L’ile d’Er,
Brittany, France |
La Côte de Granite Rose,
Coast of Francemn (#0995) |
La Côte deGranite Rose
drawn on croissant bags. (#S-0013) |
La Chapelle Saint-Gonéry,
Plougrescant, France. (#0992) |
“Think of us. Drive slow!” (#0995) |
Participants have a work session
with Mari le Glatin Keis (center)
before heading out on a "sketchwalk".
(#0955) |
Sketch of La Chapelle Saint-Gonery,
Brittany France. (#S-0012) |
Moules et frites (mussels and fries)
at Le Cafe Pesked,
Port de la Roche-Jaune. (#0976) |
Le Gouffre, Brittany, France
(#S-0009) |
Our home, La Ferme Keraret ,
Brittany France (#S-0008) |
Impressions of a fisherman,
Brittany, France. (#S-0011) |